Monday, April 30, 2018

Week of April 30th

Today we discussed MAP goals and students were able to look at the breakdown of their fall and winter scores.  They set their goals and identified areas of growth.  Over the next two weeks students should review and they should start by focusing on their identified areas of growth.  

On Tuesday students will begin their end of the year project.  

1.  Read daily -- Students have until the last day of school to meet their AR goals!
2.  Book Share Presentation 
3.  Final Project
4.  Study for the upcoming MAP assessment - 10-15 minutes daily

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Week of April 23rd

We are finishing up GMAS testing this week, and students are working on the article analysis during our class time together.

1.  Article Analysis -- Due FRIDAY (4/27)
2.  Book Share Presentation -- presentations begin this week!
3.  Read for 30 minutes daily -- AR goals due in 4 weeks!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Week of April 16th

In addition to GMAS, students will be working on the article analysis summative during class time and for their homework.  During our limited class time, students will have the opportunity to look for their sources and learn how to analyze sources for accuracy.

1.  Article Analysis - Due Friday, April 27th
2.  Book Share (Presentations will begin next week)
3.  Read daily
4.  Accuracy Check - Due Friday (Students who didn't finish in class will have this as homework.)

Please look at the 8th grade GMAS schedule to see the timeline for testing next week.  This schedule may be subject to change, and please limit checkouts during testing times.  During the test students are allowed to have water and mints and they should bring a book for when they finish each section.

Students are NOT to have electronic devices, including e-readers, phones, and Apple watches.  All phones are to be turned off and kept in lockers during testing.  If a phone goes off in the testing room, we may have to cancel that child's test due to a testing irregularity. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a restful and/or enjoyable spring break.  This week students will be focused on reviewing for the upcoming standardized testing.

1.  Read for 30 minutes daily
2.  Work on the article analysis - it's due Friday, April 20th
3.  Finish your book share presentation - presentations will begin after Milestones testing